Micro Doelen

Vet verliezen en spiermassa aankomen is een lastige taak als je niet weet wat er allemaal voor nodig is en als je denkt dat het een simpel concept is van minder eten en meer bewegen. Er zijn zoveel meer factoren […]

Cous Cous Bowl

This is a classic recipe which I tried for the first time a longgg time ago, probably like 15 years ago. My mom came across this in a magazine from Dekamarkt. Ever since that moment, I can not think of […]

Protein-Packed Sandwich

When it comes to nutrition, people like to over-complicate things. Just keep it simple. If you’re struggling to hit your protein target within your caloric goal, make sure you replace your high-calorie sandwich toppings with lower calorie ones. To inspire […]

Kappa Bowl

One of my favourite post-binge drink meals has got to be a Kapsalon. If you are not familiar with this, you either have never been drunk or you’ve been living under a rock. So, before I start showing you my […]

Protein Bowls #howdowedoit

When it comes to fat-loss and preserving as much muscle mass as possible, the goal is to make sure you hit your protein intake. There are multiple ways to hit your protein intake, but not everybody likes to consume their […]